- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
Photo Gallery
54th BoG Meeting of AJNIFM Society held on 5th October, 2021
Hindi Week Award Ceremony
Republic Day Function 26-01-2021 in NIFM Campus
75th Independence Day Celebrations at AJNIFM Faridabad
28PTC Farewell Party photos
28PTCValedictory function
28th PTC 2021 Inaugural Ceremony 25-01-2021 at AJNIFM
Dr Rathin Roy's lecture on "Roadmap to USD 5 Trillion Economy" to 27th PTC Probationers
25th AGM Meeting of AJNIFM Society held on 5th March, 2020 at North Block, New Delhi
MDP for the officers of National Health Mission, Government of Odisha (3-8 February, 2020)
Republic Day Function 26-01-2020 in NIFM Campus
The National Health Mission, Officers of Government of Odisha, 27th January to 1st February, 2020
NIFM conducted 1st Capacity Building Programme in J&K
Best Practices in Financial Management for SAOs of DAD Organization 06-25 January, 2020
27th PTC Batch 2020